Objective : to observe the antibacterial action of decoction of dioscorea bulbifera l in vitro 目的:考察黄药子水煎液体外抑菌作用。
Results : the decoction of dioscorea bulbifera l has a fair antibacterial activity on staphyloccus aureus , escherichia coil and candida albicans . but it is superior of the organic solvent extract to the decoction 结果:黄药子水煎液对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌的抑制作用较好,黄药子有机溶剂提取液的抑菌作用优于水煎液。
Dioscorea bulbifera, the Air potato, is a true yam species in the Dioscoreaceae, or true yam family. It is also known as Varahi in Sanskrit, Kaachil in Malayalam and Dukkar Kand in Marathi.